Nothing looks appetizing at 7:30am, not even those battery acid pineapples stained from it's blueberry neighbors. I pushed my 'tropical fruit delight' around with my plastic airport fork, listening to CNN have a meltdown about the stock market hitting an all-time low. My dad, mom, and sister were at the diner table behind me; Trish, sitting with me, bitched at the cashier for stealing her favorite pen, or something like that. I threw away my uneaten mush (I think they were supposed to be grapes?) and nervously smirked as we embraced for one last picture before I went through security, and fly into my new life. Mom teared up, to which I rolled my eyes, and sister squealed and waved excitedly until I rolled my carry on down the ramp in my yellow easter dress and newly purchased 'city' brown boots. I think I was numb to how much I'd miss them, either that, or so pleased to be leaving my orginal 'Tri-State Area' that I couldn't feel anything else. After a 2 hour plane ride and a traumatizing cab ride through Queens, I was here. 2068 23rd street, New Life, New York, 11105.
Yes, before you ask, I certainly feel like it has been a year. And yes, I love it, and yes, I'm glad I did it, and no, I don't know if it's going to be forever, and no, it wasn't easy, and yes, it was all worth it. Shew. Good. I'm glad we've covered those pre-depth awkward questions. But, the question is, what really happened this year? I won't bore you with my butchered attempts to describe it, so I'll show you.
But first! Please, like I wouldn't make a mixtape especially for this occassion. If you don't think I wouldn't carefully craft a mixtape that reflected my emotions and experiences of this year with seamless transition, then I just don't think we're on the same level of mutual respect.
So, put this on and listen from the first track to the last, scroll down, then I think you'll have a taste of a Mulberry New York Year.
Bonnaroo Happened.
Spencer Happened.
A weekend in Jersey Shore happened, YIKES!
Playing my flute after a 4 year hiatus happened.
Going back home with new friends happened.
Loving my old and new home at the same time happened...too
Helping my Marshall Girls and speaking at the conference that gave me my job happened.
The Inexplicable happened.
My childhood best friends tied the knot happened.
The Family Christmas card happened.
And who could forget? Sorry boys... happened.
No, I didn't slip into Williamsburg and return with a fanny pack, tattoos of cupcakes, and an apathy to corporate America. Though, I did drink outta cups (you're welcome). Some things just couldn't be captured in the click of a camera, so this i what you get, folks. I wish I got paid to push myself and say something all encompassing, pithy and cute. But the truth is, the rain today isn't doing any favors for my prose, and frankly I'm too preoccupied about surviving a zombie attack, anyway. So there you have it, a tip of my iceberg that is New York...
If you must know about the crack diving, pantless subway rides, or harlem speakeasys, I've also taken up answering fun questions here