Friday, October 1, 2010

Jeff Bridges Hearts Deerhunter

Two things everyone like: Jeff Bridges and Black & White. God. Just look at that poetry. Stunning! There's something about black and white, it can make anything look purposefully elegant. Nevermind he's probably kill shotting someone from a mirror over his shoulder, which is already way fucking elegant.

Jeff Bridges gets it, and apparently, so does Deerhunter. Take their new video for example. Slap a few overlapping reels of faces dubbed over LA Sunsets and dark spots and you've got yourself a timeless piece.

That being said, if I had to pick a song I think this B&WJB (see what I did there?) would like, it'd have to be Deerhunter's new one, 'Helicopter'. Classy, accessible, sexy, bubbly, all attributes both Jeff and Deerhunter share.

Off of their new album Halcyon Digest, released in September, it's one song of many 'I know-everyone's-saying-Deerhunter-is-good-but-I-just-haven'- listened-to-them-ye-ohhhh, yeah-they-actually-are...' songs. I'll admit, I have much to learn about them, but in the mean time, let's all share in this classy Black and white video:

And remember, if you just can't figure out a way to make it classy, just put it in black and white.


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